“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”
John 12:26
“Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.”
Matthew 10:8
In the 5th Station Jesus chooses to need Simon to help Him carry the Cross. Today, Jesus Christ says to you, “I need your help.” Do you respond to Jesus’ invitation to help Him serve the Church, serve others, and carry one another’s crosses?
Please review the links below to find out how you can carry your cross and serve Jesus Christ.
Saint Monica Parish Chippewa site houses one of only a few Perpetual Adoration Chapels in the Pittsburgh Diocese. Our Saint Joseph Perpetual Adoration Chapel offers a quiet, comfortable, and serene environment for uninterrupted personal worship. The Chapel is open from Sunday 1:00 PM continually through Saturday at 4:00 PM, when it closes so as to not conflict with the weekend Mass schedule. Spend your hour in the presence of Jesus’ most powerful form on earth as you wish.
What is Perpetual Adoration?
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist is displayed in a monstrance for Catholics to come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and night. The term “perpetual adoration” designates the practically uninterrupted adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. At Saint Monica Parish Perpetual Adoration Chapel this means that someone is always in prayer before the Holy Eucharist and is uninterrupted in our chapel.
What does the Church say about Eucharistic Adoration?
“Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the most helpful to us.” St. Alphonsus Liguori “The time we spend with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration is the best time we can spend on earth.” Blessed Teresa of Calcutta “The worship of the Eucharist is of inestimable value.” Pope Saint John Paul II “In Heaven, we will consider these moments with the Lord as the happiest of our earthly lives.” St. John Vianney “You have great need for Eucharistic Adoration.” Pope Saint John Paul II “In the course of the day, the faithful should not omit visiting the Blessed Sacrament.” Blessed Pope Paul VI “I hope that… Perpetual Adoration with permanent exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue into the future. Specifically, I hope for the establishment of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in all parishes and Christian communities throughout the world.” Pope Saint John Paul II
Saint Monica Parish takes its role in ensuring the safety of the children of our parish very seriously. All employees of the parish are required to have proper clearances by the Diocese of Pittsburgh before gaining employment. In order to ensure we are as proactive as possible, we also require that all volunteers for the parish who may come into contact with children either at Saint Monica Catholic Academy, our Religious Education Program for grades 1-6, and our 7th and 8th grade and high school youth groups also be registered with proper clearances by the Diocese. If you would like to go through the required Safe Environment training to be eligible to volunteer for the parish please contact Anne Romano at [email protected] today.
The Lector is instituted to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. He/she may also announce the intentions for the Universal Prayer and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings.
If you are interested in serving the Lord at Mass as a Lector please contact the parish at 724-846-7540 or [email protected].
In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner. When the size of the congregation requires it, “the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been deputed for this purpose.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should receive sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. Extraordinary Ministers are required to be trained and commissioned by the Diocese to perform these duties for the parish.
If you are interested in serving the Lord at Mass as an Extraordinary Minister please contact the parish at 724-846-7540 or [email protected].
Altar Servers have an integral role in assisting the priest in the normal celebration of the Mass. It is a tremendous responsibility and honor to serve on the Lord’s Altar at the Sacrifice of the Mass. Any child in the parish who is at least in the third grade may be trained to become an Altar Server.
If your child is interested in serving the Lord at Mass as an Altar Server please contact the parish at 724-846-7540 or [email protected].
Saint Monica Parish Choir
The Adult Choir is actively recruiting prospective new members. Many long-lasting friendships have been formed from the fellowship we have shared, and being in the choir gives you a wonderful opportunity to be part of the Liturgy in a very special way-through your gift of music.
It is not necessary that you can read music or are a musician yourself. We can help with that. The Adult Choir is a fun activity for anyone looking for a way to become more involved with Mass. Rehearsals are on Thursday night from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at our Chippewa Site. If you are interested in joining the Adult Choir and want to help us Praise the Lord contact the parish office today at 724-846-7540.
Society of Saint Vincent DePaul
Members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (or “Vincentians” ) are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. We are young and old. Our members come in every shade of skin color. Some of us are wealthy, some are financially poor, but all of us are blessed with an awareness that our blessings (time, talent or treasure) are to be shared with our brothers in need.
For more information or to request assistance from the Saint Monica Parish Vincentians please contact the parish office at 724-846-7540.
Saint Monica Parish Holy Name Society promotes reverence for the sacred names of God and Jesus Christ, obedience and loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and the personal sanctification and holiness of its members. It is part of the National Association of the Holy Name Society. United with other members throughout the Beaver County Deanery as well as the Diocese of Pittsburgh, it also focuses on the functions and needs of the parish.
The Holy Name Society is one of the oldest organizations in the Catholic Church. Holy Name is an organization comprised of and open to all men of the parish who try and help the parish in whatever way it can. Predominantly, their efforts are to enhance the spiritual life of the parish. St. Monica’s Holy Name Society participates in many parish projects including the monthly Holy Name breakfast during the fall, winter, and spring months. We annually honor young men and women of the parish, we financially support youth activities of the parish, Holy Name men are active at all Lenten fish fries and whenever asked, our members can be found helping at most parish dinners and events. We financially support the Pro-Life march in Washington, D.C., we sell the “Keep Christ in Christmas” signs to remind everyone the reason for the season and we give financial assistance, at Christmas, to St. Monica’s Seminarians to help further their education. We encourage Holy Name Men to participate in the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday at St. Paul’s Cathedral to bring back the Holy Oils to St. Monica. We do what we can to fight pornography in any form. And, we strive to do whatever needs to be done for the honor and glory of the name Jesus. Just as the Church needs vocations to the priesthood and religious life, it also needs lay people to participate in the religious organizations of the Church. Please consider participating in St. Monica’s Holy Name Society.
The Holy Name gathers as a group and attends the 9AM Mass on the second Sunday of each month except June, July and August. Our monthly meeting follows the 9AM Mass and begins at 10:15AM in Mary’s Room.
Hike for Kidz is April 30,2022! Registration is from 8-10 AM. Please visit our Event Page for all the information and forms:
or contact Dennis at 724.827.2350 or [email protected]
Monthly Meetings
Saint Monica Parish Lower Level of Founders Hall
2nd Monday of the Month Planning Meeting 7:00PM (open to all men over 18 in the parish)
4th Monday of the Month Regular Meeting
Dinner 6:00PM; Rosary 6:30PM; Meeting 7:00PM
Council Contacts
Grand Knight: Mike Grubb 724-581-1978 [email protected]
Deputy Grand Knight: Joel Oravitz 724-843-6886 [email protected]
Treasurer: Lee Savio 724-843-5718 [email protected]
Secretary: John Drzik 724-336-2065 [email protected]
Who can become a Knight?
Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men over 18 years old who are practicing Catholics in good standing with the Catholic Church.
For information on how you can become a Knight contact one of our officers today.
Why you should become a Knight
If you’re interested in helping those in need, serving your parish, growing in your faith or having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you.
Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life. As a Knight, you have the opportunity to support your parish, give back to your community, grow in your faith and gain exclusive access to our top-rated insurance program to protect your family.
Saint Monica Parish is in need of retired persons to help bring comfort to families of our parish who have recently lost a dearly loved family member. If you have time to occasionally volunteer in the mornings and like to sing, we could use your voice in our parish Resurrection Choir. The work of the choir is simple and rehearsals are not needed. You simply show up at the church 30 minutes prior to the funeral, find out hymns requested, and participate in Mass. While this is a ministry of the church, it is also a precious gift to the family of the deceased.
The purpose of this ministry is to honor our brother or sister in Christ by sharing His gift of song as prayer. You do not have to be an active member of the weekend choir to be involved. Please contact the parish office for more information.
“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gifts well. If you have the gift of speaking, preach God’s message. If you have the gift of helping others, do it with the strength that God supplies. Everything should be done in a way that will bring honor to God because of Jesus Christ, who is glorious and powerful forever.” – 1Peter 4:10-11
God asks us to serve him using the many talents he has bestowed on us. Saint Monica Parish has a number of volunteer opportunities available to parishioners seeking to give of their time and talents. Many volunteers are needed to assist in the day to day operation of Saint Monica. If you would like to help serve the Lord please contact the parish office today at 724-846-7540.
Do you have a special talent? Do you enjoy working in your yard? If you have any idea of how you can help serve the needs of Saint Monica Parish using your gifts contact the parish office today to inquire about volunteering. All volunteers please review the information regarding Safe Environment training.
The purpose of Prayer Shawl Ministry is to bring comfort and prayers to individuals in need: the sick, the hurting, the grieving, etc. The shawls are freely available in the parish office for individuals to take and present to families or friends in need. We think of the shawls as a hug from God through our hands to those in need!
The Prayer Shawls are made by women who meet regularly to knit or crochet them. At that time, prayer is offered for those who will receive the shawls, as well as for all those who have received them. If you know how to knit or crochet, or would like to learn, please come and join us.
Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from 6-7:30pm in Joseph’s Room.
“The King shall answer and say to them, ‘Whatever you have done for the least of these My brothers, you have done for Me.'”
Matthew 25:40
Feeding the hungry is the first of the Corporal Works of Mercy. The Martha Ministry seeks to combine feeding the hungry with a personal expression of Christ’s love and mercy. Whether the need is due to illness, a new baby, or a death in the family, our volunteers cook and deliver home-cooked meals and offer a caring and sympathetic presence. Volunteers generally cook once or twice a month as needed.
Contact: Debbie Tress 724-462-3321
The establishment of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers in Saint Monica Parish was approved by His Excellency Lawrence A. DiNardo, Vicar General of Pittsburgh and the said Confraternity has been affiliated with the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers, under the patronage of Mary the Sorrowful Mother. By receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion, working together, meeting regularly to pray with and for one another and their children, the members are schooled in the ideals of Christian womanhood, wifehood, and motherhood, and aid one another in educating their children at home to become faithful members of the Catholic Church and imitators of Mary, the ideal Mother, and her perfect son, Jesus Christ.
Contact: Michelle Calabria; Tita Gibson
Phone: 724-775-2368; 724-843-8147
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
A group of dedicated individuals has been organized to serve the sick, home bound and bereaved in regards to promoting good health, preventing illness, and offering support during difficult situations. Some of the services provided to parishioners include: phone calls to shut ins, transportation to doctor appointments, CPR training throughout the year, exercise classes, bereavement support groups and home bound visitation. If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, or if you know of someone in need of these services please contact us by email at [email protected].